Money for Nuthin’

Today will be my 3rd, and possibly last, day of jury duty.  So far I’ve logged roughly 2.5 hours over two days.

The first day took about  2 hours, as they explained the process and how important we were to the system, and how they “wish we had more people there because there were *so* many cases this week”.  They then took roll, and after about 5 minutes, said “Bye!  See you back tomorrow morning!”.  Derp??? Wuh???

Yesterday, they explained we were merely “leverage”, but still very important to the process.  After taking roll, they turned us loose.  A cool 30 minutes.

Today I’ll find out if they can manage to streamline the “process” a bit more three days in.  Can we get an auctioneer to call roll?  Stay tuned…