Tag Archives: Judicial System

Money for Nuthin’

Today will be my 3rd, and possibly last, day of jury duty.  So far I’ve logged roughly 2.5 hours over two days.

The first day took about  2 hours, as they explained the process and how important we were to the system, and how they “wish we had more people there because there were *so* many cases this week”.  They then took roll, and after about 5 minutes, said “Bye!  See you back tomorrow morning!”.  Derp??? Wuh???

Yesterday, they explained we were merely “leverage”, but still very important to the process.  After taking roll, they turned us loose.  A cool 30 minutes.

Today I’ll find out if they can manage to streamline the “process” a bit more three days in.  Can we get an auctioneer to call roll?  Stay tuned…